Sunday, May 15, 2011

The chicks come home!

On Tuesday, May 3rd, Scott and I trekked to the Valley to get the baby chicks.  It was a little tricky finding a place which had sexed chicks in the varieties we wanted.  However, since we were leary of going the mail order route and we were concerned with making sure all the chicks were the same age and grew up together, this seemed the way to go.  We found a hardware store in Sylmar, CA which was unloading a batch of newly hatched chicks that had arrived moments earlier and were still in cardboard carriers.

First taste of chick feed

It was a bit overwhelming as baby chicks were literally jumping out of the boxes and running down the aisle as we chose 6 tiny little furry chicks: 2 pairs each of Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds & Barred Rocks.   We had purchased all the supplies for the brooder a week earlier, so we didn't need to worry about anything else besides just getting the chicks home safely.  Little did we expect that this was going to be the day that the car would run out of gas.  Fortunately, after a small delay, the chicks made it home to Orange Drive. 

Jack babysitting his new sisters.

1 comment:

  1. haha, jack!!!
    i need to see the babies, while they are still babies
